Live broadcast: “Top skin and hair problems after vacation and what to do about them”


We invite you to a live broadcast from a leading specialist in aesthetic medicine.

Date: July 30, 2021

Time: 11:00

Topic: Top skin and hair problems after vacation and what to do about them

Link for registration:

Online conference moderator:

Anna Funikova, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, founder of the Medical Community clinic network and the UMAA Academy (Ukraine)


  • Non-stop: interactive presentations with breaks for discussions
  • Online access: free access from anywhere in the world from any gadget
  • Opinion leaders: recognized experts will share their personal experiences
  • Market overview from experts: trends, techniques, drugs

Let's talk about:

  • Which SOS-effect protocols are most effective?
  • How to properly restore your skin after summer?
  • What home care adjustments should be offered to the patient?
  • When should more invasive procedures be recommended and which ones?

Link for registration:

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