Live broadcast: "The author's method of deep SMAS lifting Pigmalion, as the foundation for all cosmetic procedures"


We invite you to take part in a live broadcast from a leading specialist in aesthetic medicine, dedicated to the topic of SMAS lifting.

Date: June 30, 2021

Time: 11:00

Topic: "The author's method of deep SMAS lifting Pigmalion, as the foundation for all cosmetic procedures"

Speaker: Irina Norova, doctor-cosmetologist with 20 years of practical experience in cosmetology, author of the Pigmalion deep smas-lifting technique, expert and consultant for articles in the field of cosmetology

Link for registration:

In a programme:

  • The importance of the physiological structure of smas for working with the face
  • Strategy and collaboration of methods of influencing smas for the best rejuvenation effect
  • Sequence and planning of methods depending on age and type of skin aging
  • Family cosmetologist
  • Watch a video with fragments of the author's Pigmalion method
  • Answers on questions

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