Correction of age-related changes in the neck using mesothreads


The neck is a rather complex area for injection, hardware and surgical therapy. In this article we will look at the possibilities of correcting age-related changes in the neck using thread techniques.

Irina Kapshuchenko , dermatologist of the highest category, cosmetologist, member of EADV, chief physician of the center of aesthetic cosmetology “Compliment” (Ukraine)

Anatomical features

The skin in the neck area is thin, with a small number of sebaceous and sweat glands, tightly adjacent to the mobile m. platisma, which is hypertonic from an early age.

Subcutaneous fat is expressed in the chin and occipital areas. In the anterior part of the neck, the fiber is loose and mobile. The external and anterior jugular veins are located in the subcutaneous fat. The saphenous nerves of the neck are branches of the cervical plexus (Fig. 1).

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The anatomical features of this area, abuse of ultraviolet radiation, and lack of proper care lead to early age-related changes: xerosis and elastosis of the skin, decreased tissue elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation.


Recently, combined techniques that work with different layers of neck tissue, taking into account the morphotype of aging, have become popular. There are two morphotypes of neck aging: finely wrinkled and deformed (Table 1).

Tab. 1

Methods most relevant for the treatment of fine wrinkled morphotype of aging:

  • biorevitalizants;
  • PRP with hyaluronic acid;
  • botulinum therapy;
  • mesothreads;
  • TCA peel;
  • fractional rejuvenation;
  • "Mesoradis".

Methods most relevant for the treatment of deformation morphotype of aging:

  • lipolytic therapy of the mental and submental areas;
  • mesothread + PRP;
  • altertherapy;
  • RF lifting.

Correction with threads

But both morphotypes of aging are characterized by horizontal neck wrinkles, which form from early childhood. They are called "position folds" because they occur as a result of constantly tilting the head. And one of the main methods for correcting these wrinkles is the mesothread technique, which has a pronounced reinforcing effect.

The soft tissue tightening technique consists of subcutaneous insertion of threads using a guide needle along vectors perpendicular to the lines of ptosis and tension. Due to fibrosis, a strong frame is formed around the thread channel. Mesothreads come in different lengths, diameters and configurations (mono, springs, braids, with notches) (Fig. 2).

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Resorption of the threads occurs after 6-8 months, and during the first 12 weeks they retain their integrity and strength.

The procedure for reinforcement in the neck area is simple and easy to perform (photo 3). The main thing when performing it is to choose the right size of the guide needle, the number of threads and stay strictly in the subdermal layer without immersing in deeper tissues in order to avoid the risk of damage to large vessels. You can also use a combined technique of PRP and mesothreads in one procedure (photo 4).

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4


Mesothreads made from PDO (polydioxanone) are one of the most effective methods in correcting age-related changes in the neck. The method is easy to use, has virtually no contraindications, has minor side effects (bruises), and is also combined with all methods of aesthetic correction and hardware techniques.

First published: Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Ukraine 2 (102)/2017

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