Beauty HUB Brunch: how the second meeting for beauty industry specialists went

The second meeting for beauty industry specialists as part of the Beauty HUB Brunch took place on June 22. Read about how the event went and the participants’ reviews.
Traditionally, the second meeting of Beauty HUB Brunch took place for participants of the “Beauty HUB Laboratory” . Read how the first meeting went here. The guests gathered at LobanovSKY, an atmospheric co-working space located on the 26th floor of a capital skyscraper. This time we talked about the psychology of clients and sales, building a personal brand in the context of omni- and optical-channel communication with clients, the features of organizing events, and also held a workshop on working with the Beauty HUB personal account , which is necessary for every specialist in the beauty industry.
Brunch theme: “The success you deserve. Personal brand. Organization of events." And this time the speakers also shared valuable information!
Natalya Sopelnik , operational director of the Estet group of companies, shared her personal professional experience about what a successful event consists of, how to prepare and conduct it efficiently. She examined in detail the functions of the personal account of the Beauty HUB service, and demonstrated how to add an event to Afisha Beauty HUB using a convenient online platform for beauty specialists.
Andrey Shumyakov , a modern sales trainer and an expert in personal brand development, revealed to listeners the secrets of loyalty and competition, and also noted the importance of a personal brand in the development of a beauty specialist.
Vladimir Kravchuk , business psychologist, director of the International Center for Psychology and Healthy Thinking Positum Systems, using real cases as an example, confirmed the importance of creating a sales funnel and a lead magnet and told how this will help the master reach a new level of earnings.
Impressions of Beauty HUB Brunch participants
Bazhai Maya, cosmetologist
“For me personally, the event was productive, I was especially pleased that I was able to communicate with speaker Andrei Shumyakov, since I’m opening a salon soon. I’ve heard him more than once at other conferences, but this is the first time I’ve talked to him in person.”
Andrey Shumyakov, modern sales trainer (™Dream Beauty), creator of a product and brand about personal development (™Dream Board), commercial director of Neil Service LLC (™Catherine), Kyiv
“Why was our meeting unique? Modern realities have accustomed us to the formula: “Utility for free = sale to us/purchase by us in the end.” This time, the Estet company (BHUB) has created a new formula of usefulness: “Great utility for free + even greater utility in the form of an IT product (website), which provides the functionality so necessary for modern beauty specialists, and again for free. Beauty industry specialists, be innovators and in the use of IT solutions, this is your professionalism, service and a much-needed competitive advantage.”
Olga Plotnikova, makeup artist, eyebrow artist
“I really enjoyed the event; I heard a lot of useful information, including recommendations for reading books. I like that in my Personal Account you can add several work locations and schedules at the same time, since I work in both Brovary and Kyiv.”
Anastasia Nilova, SMM, PR, Brand manager MD Calm
“It was my first time at such an event, the information I heard was not new, but I really liked and found the report of speaker Natalya Sopelnik very useful. The BHUB LC platform is relevant, there are plans to post events closer to the fall. Current topics for the future are sales, online education, event organization, partly the topic of service.”
Inspired and also want to join the next meeting? Then register in your personal account of the “Beauty HUB Laboratory” (participation in brunches is free for LC users) and do not forget to follow our materials and announcements of Afisha Beauty HUB so as not to miss the date of the new meeting.
It is very important for us to receive feedback from all Beauty HUB Brunch participants, so we ask everyone to leave their feedback and comments with topics that you would be interested in discussing on the Estet company Facebook page.