Beauty HUB Brunch: a new meeting format for beauty industry specialists

A must-attend brunch for every beauty specialist!


Do you want to spend your time as productively as possible, get new ideas, communicate with colleagues and discuss exciting issues? We have great news for you!

What is Beauty HUB Brunch?
Beauty HUB Brunch is a monthly meeting of participants of the “Beauty HUB Laboratory” , which will take place in Kiev, in the atmospheric LobanovSKY co-working space on the 26th floor with a beautiful view of the city (and later online).

We all know how important it is to communicate with colleagues and gain new experience to develop your favorite business. That is why the professional platform for beauty industry specialists Beauty HUB, together with the Estet company, are launching a new regular project - Beauty HUB Brunch!

You will have as much as 2 hours (and if you don’t want to leave, then even longer) to get new ideas and insights for the further development of your business, communicate as fruitfully as possible with colleagues, discuss pressing issues and problems, listen to advice and share your experience, and also just have a great time with wonderful people!

Business brunch for beauty industry professionals, combining:

  • networking with “colleagues”
  • meeting and communicating with invited experts in the field of service, management, marketing, sales, lawyers, psychologists, etc.
  • and all this - over a cup of aromatic coffee or tea, accompanied by the freshest pastries.

First meeting “Welcome to the club!” Client-service. Sales. Management” will be held on May 18! Be the first to arrive.

Time: 11:00 – 13:00

Address: Kiev, ave. Lobanovskogo, 6a, 26th floor

Location: coworking LobanovSKY

The terms of participation

Participation in the brunch is free for participants of the Beauty HUB Laboratory, subject to registration using the link:

Read more about the event program, experts and conditions of participation on Afisha Beauty HUB .

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