An effectively rejuvenating and intensely moisturizing treatment

Electroporation principle


The electroporation method is quite popular today; articles appear about it in many publications, which say that this procedure deeply nourishes the skin and does not have many contraindications. Many people have heard about it, specialists work with this equipment, but few know the mechanism of operation and the physiology of electroporation.

Lidiya Astafurova, engineer of nanotechnology and medical equipment, teacher of hardware cosmetology at the Academy of Modern Cosmetology «Beauty Syndicate»

Electroporation has proven itself to be an effectively rejuvenating and intensely moisturizing procedure. It is a good alternative to injection biorevitalization and mesotherapy. How does this technique work?

The method is based on the property that each cell of the body has an electric field, receiving electrical energy in the process of «processing» nutrients. The entire electric field of the cell is concentrated on the plasma membrane. There is a charge difference inside and outside the cell: + or –. When a cell is at rest, its field has a stable negative value.

The cell, or plasma membrane, is an elastic molecular structure consisting of proteins and lipids. It separates the contents of the cell from the external environment and interstitial fluid, ensuring its integrity. The membrane regulates the metabolism between the cell and its environment, that is, the intercellular fluid, which contains amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, hormones, coenzymes, enzymes, salts, potassium ions, sodium, copper, zinc, chlorine, etc. And inside the cell there is high concentration of potassium ions and various organic substances. At a young age, the cells and intercellular fluid contain a sufficient amount of water.

The only electrical route for getting nutrients from the intercellular fluid into the cell is the potassium-sodium pump, which provides the cell with charged ions of potassium, sodium, chlorine and other ions. There is a second, receptor pathway that «carries» large organic structures through the membrane: amino acids, glycosaminoglycans, enzymes, hormones, DNA and others that do not have a charge. Water passes through aquaporins, as well as transport proteins for glucose, various groups of amino acids and many ions.

First published in the magazine PRO Cosmetology by «Cosmetologist» No. 2, 2021

*Full version of the access article in Ukrainian and Russian

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