Tattoo and protective functions of the skin: is there a correlation?

How does tattooing affect the body's immunity?


The process of applying permanent makeup initially involves a violation of the natural physiological processes of the epidermal layer. What is the specific effect of tattooing on the body, are there any negative aspects?

Tattooing (in the general sense) is a kind of art of applying body painting, the history of which is calculated for thousands of years. Today, a variety of tattoos, carrying a hidden meaning or completely devoid of it, are widespread and popular among people of all races and ages. The actual process of applying a tattoo and permanent makeup (in particular) involves the introduction of indelible dyes under the skin. That is, in fact, drawings of such a plan initially suggest a violation of the natural physiological processes of the epidermal layer.

According to data obtained in the course of a number of studies carried out by scientists, tattoos affect the immune status of a person and the functioning of the sweat glands. What are the specifics of the influence of wearable drawings on the body, are there any negative aspects - let's try to understand these issues.

Correlation between tattooing and body defenses

According to the data obtained by American scientists in the course of studies conducted by involving respondents with tattoos, underwear drawings have a direct impact on the state of the body's immune forces. At the same time, the degree of this influence increases in accordance with the number and volume of the tattoo. For the research, saliva samples were taken from the subjects.

To participate in the experiment, the respondents underwent a full medical examination, which took into account such indicators as height, weight, the presence or absence of bad habits, the number of tattoos, and the time they were applied. For the purity of the experiment, criteria such as a medical history and evidence of taking medications were also taken into account.

In accordance with the studies, it was found that the process of applying the first tattoo leads to a rapid increase in cortisol levels and, accordingly, a decrease in immune forces and body resistance. The answer in this case is simple - the production of cortisol is the result of severe stress - in the process of tattooing, almost everyone experiences some fear and palpable pain. Perhaps it is precisely because of the weakening of the immune system that the first tattoos heal a little longer than those applied subsequently.

However, in the future, the situation changes exactly to the opposite. When applying subsequent tattoos, the body adapts to new conditions, represented in this case by stress, and therefore the increased production of cortisol stops. Moreover, the immune status of people with a large number of wearable drawings is much higher than that of those with clear skin.

Thus, it is quite acceptable to draw a line between immune forces and tattoos - drawings help to increase resistance and the level of resistance of the body. In addition, scientists emphasize that people with a large area of tattooed skin note the rapid healing of skin damaged after drawing.

The relationship between underwear patterns and perspiration

In addition to research on the influence of tattoos on the immune status of a person, scientists also conducted tests that determined changes in the activity of the sweat glands after applying wearable patterns. The need for these studies is due to the fact that dyes are injected directly to the depth of the location of the glands in the epidermal layer. That is, tattooing may well have a negative impact on the processes of thermoregulation of the body.

So, in the course of the experiments, data were obtained that the skin, covered with drawings, emit about two times less biological fluid, that is, sweat, than those without drawings. At the same time, a change in the chemical composition of sweat is also observed - the glands on the tattooed skin secreted sweat containing more sodium than is represented by the norms of physiology. Thus, tattoos can be safely imagined as a means to reduce sweating. However, do not forget that the process of sweating is an effective way of thermoregulation of the body, preventing it from overheating. Accordingly, people whose skin is covered with tattoos are especially at risk of heat stroke. Of course, in this case we are talking about drawings of a large size, thin lines and inscriptions do not have any effect on the condition of the skin.

Tips and tricks for masters

So, the process of applying permanent makeup, like tattoos, a priori implies an invasion of the natural physiological processes occurring in human tissues. Illiterate actions of the master or violation of the rules for skin care directly by the owner of the tattoo can lead to very unpleasant consequences. To exclude them, we recommend that you follow some rules.

In order to minimize the stress experienced by the body in the process of tattooing, it is recommended to use anesthetic agents that help reduce pain.

After applying a tattoo or permanent makeup, it is necessary to carefully care for the skin, using gels and ointments for tattoo healing, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the regenerative abilities of tissues.

It is important to follow the individual recommendations of the master for the care of the affected area, use only suitable products, exclude saunas, baths, and avoid prolonged exposure to the open sun.

Based on the facts above, tattooing, if you follow the rules for its application and skin care, can be presented as a very exotic method that helps to increase the immune forces and resistance of the body, as well as reduce the level of sweating. However, do not forget that all good things are only good in moderation - if the whole body is covered with drawings, there is a violation of the natural physiological processes occurring in the tissues, which may well adversely affect the state of health.

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