Permanent makeup to improve the quality of life: camouflage techniques

Possibilities of permanent makeup


Perhaps the most interesting results in the field of permanent makeup from a professional point of view can be achieved when performing tasks in the field of aesthetic reconstruction of cosmetic defects and the use of camouflage techniques.

Permanent makeup is one of the most popular trends in the beauty industry. The desire to have pronounced, well-defined or slightly emphasized facial features at any time of the day and not waste time applying makeup is relevant for many women.

However, the possibilities of the permanent make-up industry are much wider, and perhaps the most interesting results from a professional point of view can be achieved when performing tasks in the field of aesthetic reconstruction of cosmetic defects and the use of camouflage techniques.

special mission

Permanent makeup is a complex area that helps some people look better, brighter, more spectacular, while others help make scars after injuries and operations invisible, eliminate depigmented skin areas, disguise birth defects and thereby significantly improve the quality of life, stop experiencing traumatic negative emotions. because of their complexes.

Many permanent masters unite in communities that provide charitable assistance to women after a mastectomy - removal of the mammary glands. According to statistics, breast cancer is the leading cancer among women. And many patients, and often very young women, have to endure complex treatment with complete or partial removal of the breast. Almost all women are hard to come to terms with this: the loss of female attractiveness leads to depression, complexes and loss of self-confidence.

Fortunately, today, together with plastic surgeons, micropigmentation specialists can make a difference. With the help of dermapigmentation, professionals are able to create such a high-quality illusion of the nipple-areolar complex that, often, even close people do not notice that something was wrong with the breast.

By the way, permanent makeup masters very often work in close cooperation with oncologists, who, having convinced themselves of the quality of work, now themselves send their patients for dermapigmentation.

Restoration of the nipple-areolar complex is a complex technique, which must be studied hard and strive to constantly comprehend an ever higher level of skill. Specialists who have such a technique in their arsenal are ready not only to expand their professional skills, but also want to join such a good direction as helping people. After all, nothing compares to the understanding that you are helping and bringing joy to those who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.

The Last Frontier

In aesthetic medicine, many techniques have been developed to correct cosmetic defects, but permanent makeup specialists are the last link in a long chain of rehabilitation procedures.

And often only we are able to put the final point, finally camouflage the existing problem. Working with such patients requires special training, vast experience, considerable tact and a sincere desire to help.

In addition to restoring the nipple-areolar complex, dermopigmentation is widely used for high-quality camouflage of scars after injuries and operations.

Very often, despite all the efforts of cosmetologists, it is not possible to completely remove visible scars - even deep polishing and peeling do not always cope with this task.

And then a few strokes of a pigment perfectly matched to the skin color work wonders. Such work seems very simple, but in fact it is a jewelry technique that requires the highest professionalism.

Another trend is vitiligo camouflage. In medicine, there are still no methods that can completely solve this problem. Dermopigmentation helps to even out skin tone and reduce the psychological discomfort experienced by people with this disease. But, before undertaking such work, it is necessary to understand exactly what type of vitiligo a particular case belongs to, what stage it is in, and, of course, evaluate the need and feasibility of this procedure.

Very interesting results are obtained by such a direction of camouflage as trichopigmentation. This is a method of aesthetic dermopigmentation of the scalp in order to camouflage various types of alopecia.

A disease of the skin of the scalp, increased or complete hair loss, causes serious psychological and neurotic disorders and, as a result, adversely affects the quality of life of people. Therefore, trichopigmentation is objectively one of the most important cosmetic solutions to the problem of baldness. This procedure provides a beautiful and completely natural result. It's very hard work, but it's worth it.

Always need to learn

I want to note that in addition to deep knowledge in the technology of dermopigmentation itself, specialists practicing in this field need to have an understanding of the essence of the processes occurring in the skin due to certain defects or diseases, predict possible changes in skin tone or its age-related deformation, plan methods in advance correcting these changes and, of course, knowing the pigments you are working on well.

If you want to practice dermopigmentation, take master classes or in-depth seminars in all areas of aesthetic dermopigmentation to improve your professional level.

Real Results

And one more not unimportant moment: preliminary work with the client is important. There are many beautiful pictures on the Internet now, but, as a rule, these are not real works, but a demonstration of the capabilities of Photoshop. Therefore, a preliminary consultation with the client is so necessary in order to hear his expectations, show the true possibilities of dermapigmentation and honestly tell you what results you can expect so that there are no overestimated expectations. As the saying goes, an informed customer is a satisfied customer.

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