Hyperpigmentation of the face: preventive measures and treatment
Cosmetology for permanent makeup masters

Age spots appear for various reasons, modern methods of getting rid of hyperpigmentation come to the rescue, which include camouflage micropigmentation techniques.
Our skin color is determined by a special substance - a pigment called melanin, which is produced from melanocyte cells. The main function of melanocytes is protective, they protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. For example, melanin pigmentation from sun exposure or tanning beds is known as tanning: this is how our skin reacts to being “bombarded” with ultraviolet radiation.
The process of natural production of melanin is regulated by the relevant systems of the body and, like any other physiological process, can sometimes fail. As a result of such failures, hyperpigmentation occurs in areas of the skin with impaired melanin production - contrasting pigment spots of various sizes and shapes that do not go away on their own.
Pigmentary changes in the skin - hyperpigmentation - occur due to excessive production of melanin and are called age spots. They occur for various reasons and are pigmentary changes from light to dark brown, somewhat elevated above the surface of the skin due to thickening of the stratum corneum. These spots vary in size, location, and shape. Age spots expand over time and become more pronounced and noticeable. The skin loses its freshness, looks uneven, less aesthetically attractive.
Types and causes of age spots on the skin of the face and body
Usually, hyperpigmentation itself is just a cosmetic defect and does not pose a health hazard. Among the most common, the following types of age spots are distinguished:
- Moles or birthmarks, which can either be present immediately at birth or appear throughout life. These small, slightly raised spots are brown, brown-red, or pink. The darker the color of the mole, the higher the concentration of melanin in it. In a “calm” state, moles are harmless, however, if their shape changes and / or unpleasant sensations (itching, tingling, bleeding), you should immediately consult a doctor.
- Freckles, especially pronounced on the skin of the face in the spring. Often the tendency to the appearance of freckles is genetically transmitted - they almost always adorn the skin of people with red hair, but with the first rays of the spring sun they can also appear on the faces of blondes, brunettes, brown-haired people.
- Age-related pigmentation, small spots of which cover the face and hands in old age.
- Age spots due to excessive tanning are a kind of “sos” signal of our skin, oversaturated with ultraviolet radiation.
- Pigmentation during pregnancy, caused by the intensive work of the adrenal glands during the period of gestation.
- Pigmentation of the skin associated with diseases of the internal organs - the liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract.
- Pigmentation of the skin under the influence of chemicals - for example, when using low-quality cosmetics, or in people working in chemical industries with aggressive substances.
- beriberi associated with malnutrition or impaired proper absorption of vitamins;
- taking certain hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives;
- individual intolerance when wearing jewelry, which includes nickel, copper, iron and even gold or silver.
In addition, dark spots can remain on the skin after unsuccessful extrusion of blackheads or the removal of certain neoplasms.
Prevention and treatment
Preventive measures against the appearance of unwanted skin spots include:
- proper nutrition, rich in fruits and vegetables with a natural “whitening” effect: citrus fruits, pineapples, currants, grapes, viburnum, bell peppers, cucumbers, parsley, sauerkraut;
- additional intake of vitamins PP and C (it is recommended to alternate two-week intakes with weekly breaks);
- the use of sunscreen and daily skin care using high-quality cosmetics;
- with an increased predisposition to the appearance of hyperpigmentation, you should stop drinking coffee or at least reduce its amount.
If, despite timely prevention, age spots still appear, modern methods of getting rid of hyperpigmentation come to the rescue.
These include:
- professional whitening masks, creams, serums;
- various chemical peels;
- laser Elos-skin rejuvenation, which includes the effective elimination of "excess" pigment;
- microdermabrasion procedures (including non-injection ones) that even out skin tone;
- cryoapplications and cryomassage;
- camouflage
Chemical peels
A composition of AHA acids, vitamin C, retinol and antioxidants is applied to the skin. Acids remove the horny layer of the skin in the area of hyperpigmentation, stimulating the growth of new cells without excess melanin. Depending on the composition, there is a superficial and median peeling. The first option is suitable for young skin, the second is preferred by mature clients who want to start rejuvenation processes. Advantage of the procedure: long-term effect, democratic cost, along with problematic pigmentation, scars and scars can be eliminated. Cons: the process is lengthy, taking up to 2 months.
Whitening mesotherapy
The procedure can be classic (injection of drugs with a thin needle to a depth of 3.9 mm into the skin and a volume of 0.2 ml) and non-invasive (hardware, when the integrity of the skin is not violated). The essence of the method is that a cocktail of vitamins, acids and antioxidants is injected into the dermis. Substances, once in the skin, stimulate its regeneration, improve the production of melanin. Injectable whitening mesotherapy is recommended for patients with age-related or hormonal hyperpigmentation. Cosmetologists advise hardware mesotherapy for clients aged 25-30. It evens out the complexion after pregnancy or acne.
laser resurfacing
The most effective procedure that eliminates any kind of age spots. The laser beam is absorbed by the highly pigmented area. In this case, the skin of normal color does not suffer. The beam destroys the pigment, and gradually over the course of a month, the areas become lighter, merging with the natural skin tone. Depending on the type of pigment spot, 1 to 3 procedures may be required. The only disadvantage of laser resurfacing is the high cost of the procedure. But the end result is worth it.
The principle is the same as for laser resurfacing. The photo of the beam is absorbed by the hyperpigmented area, destroying the pigment and discoloring the defect. The procedure is painless and affordable. But to lighten freckles or age spots, you will have to spend up to 10 sessions.
Masking age spots with permanent makeup
Dermography is a type of tattoo that is used to mask skin imperfections that occur due to pigmentation disorders. This technique is an alternative to resurfacing, laser treatment and acid treatment. However, dermography has a great advantage: it does not destroy the cells of the epidermis, but it preserves the structure of the skin and evens out its color at the same time.
Pigmentation in itself is not a disease. It is always the result of certain diseases, hormonal changes, lack of vitamins and minerals, aggressive environmental influences and other factors. Therefore, it is very important that before a dermography session, the client obtains the permission of a dermatologist, and in some cases a consultation with an oncologist may be required.
Color selection is a key step in dermography. Taking into account the client's skin tone, the PM mixes several colors to achieve the desired color, which must fully match the natural skin tone. A lighter (darker or cooler, warmer) shade of color will be noticeable and will require a series of corrective tattoo sessions or daily make-up camouflage in the future. It is unlikely that such a result can be called satisfactory.
For this reason, a permanent master working in the camouflage technique must have excellent vision and knowledge of color. It is equally important that the correct proportions of pigments are selected during the session, and information about this is entered in the client card.
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