What to do as a manicurist during quarantine: 5 useful ideas

Let's spend time usefully


During quarantine, our professional activities are on pause. We advise you not to panic, but to use this time with maximum benefit - for yourself and for your business. Read on for what to do during quarantine.

Starting from March 17, quarantine was officially introduced in Ukraine. This means that all beauty salons are forced to suspend their work at least until April 3. What to do if you suddenly find yourself unemployed? First of all, don't panic. Secondly, finally return to that book, which you have already started five times and then put aside. And thirdly, devote this time to your professional self-development. Today we are talking about just this.

What should a manicurist do during quarantine? We have collected the top 5 items that you should definitely add to your to-do list in order to become an even more awesome and in-demand specialist.

Take training courses online

Even if you are a highly qualified master, there is always room for improvement. Take advantage of quarantine to take online training courses and learn some new techniques . For example, Chinese painting or airbrushing. Or take the challenge to improve your skills.

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Study specialized literature and websites on the topic

With an abundance of beloved clients and a more than 8-hour work schedule, there is absolutely no time left for reading even fiction. It’s not worth talking about professional. Therefore, quarantine is the best opportunity to correct the situation. During this difficult period, many online stores offer excellent discounts and free shipping - take note.

In addition to books, scour the Internet for inspiring beauty sites. The hottest trends , images and manicures of stars, unusual nail designs can be seen and adopted there.

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Explore the latest in professional manicure products

It may be time for you to change your dryer. Or add new trendy shades to your gel polish collection. Now you have time to study the range in detail and prepare for the influx of customers after the end of quarantine. By the way, we have already collected the most beautiful spring gel polish collections 2020 for you here.

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Study the work of colleagues

For inspiration, go not only to thematic websites, but also to Instagram and YouTube channels of your colleagues. During the quarantine period, they became as active as possible and generously share useful content.

By the way, you can try yourself on the other side: organize a live broadcast or online master class, prepare several useful posts for your professional Instagram.

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Create a portfolio and learn how to promote yourself

If you don’t yet have a professional Instagram account, fix it urgently. Today, social networks are the best way to promote yourself as a master. Take photographs of your work ( we have already told you how to do this beautifully and efficiently ), write useful posts for other masters and learn to advertise your services through social networks. By the way, now several SMM schools and media agencies offer their training courses completely free of charge - just search for information on the Internet.

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