Viral manicure: 10 of the strangest and most unusual ideas
Inspired by coronavirus

The coronavirus is sweeping the planet and taking lives. The beauty industry also reminds us of the seriousness and complexity of the situation, creating viral trends, including in nail design.
The beauty industry always reacts quickly to the situation in the world and is often intertwined with the problems that prevail in society. Therefore, we are not at all surprised that coronavirus nail designs have become popular and in demand. The masters do not want to sow panic with their creations, but on the contrary, to once again remind people of the importance of following hygiene rules.
False nails decorated with COVID-19 molecules, manicures with tiny masks and false decorations, fancy inscriptions and even designs with logos of hand sanitizers - the imagination of nail artists is limitless. Some of the viral manicure options look quite wearable, while others are only suitable for spectacular photos. Some explode with bright colors, while others use pastel shades.
Conclusion: each master has his own vision of the problem, one thing is clear: no one will put nails with the image of coronavirus in their mouth, and the desire to wash their hands and use an antiseptic with such a manicure will arise more often than usual.
If you are still accepting clients, also remember to follow all hygiene rules, thoroughly disinfect and sterilize your work tools !
Let’s take a closer look at the strangest and most unusual coronavirus manicure options, which, we warn you, will surprise and even shock!