How to sharpen nail scissors and other tools?
Home and professional treatments

Every nail technician has faced the need to sharpen nail scissors, clippers or pushers after several uses after purchase. How to do it correctly - we tell you in the material.
No matter what high-quality and expensive tools a nail technician buys for work, after a certain number of uses they begin to become dull. This fact should not be ignored under any circumstances, because such scissors or nippers can easily injure the nail plate or nail bed, as well as provoke the appearance of hangnails, wounds and inflammations on the skin. Therefore, it is important for every master not to forget about the rules for using manicure tools and proper care for them.
Professional sharpening of manicure instruments
You can sharpen manicure tools at home, but to do this job well, nail technicians usually turn to specialists. There are two types of professional sharpening of nail scissors, pushers and nippers. The first of them is factory sharpening, the result of which we see on newly purchased instruments. It keeps the blades sharp for about 10-20 uses, after which the tools begin to become dull.
After this, the master can give the tools for manual sharpening, which is performed on certain equipment, ensuring a long-lasting effect. No matter how much you want to achieve it at home, you are unlikely to be able to achieve it. Most often, after sharpening at home, tools can be used several more times, but after that the master will have to turn to professionals in any case.
Photo: @mashacreate
Types of machines
Professional sharpening of nail scissors and other tools is carried out using two types of machines - laser and mechanical.
Laser equipment allows the procedure to be performed more accurately, but this type of metal processing leads to its rapid grinding and thinning. That is why many craftsmen prefer mechanical machines with a grinding wheel with a diamond abrasive, which, when rotating, allows you to grind the blades to the desired sharpness.
To have your tools professionally sharpened, all you need to do is find a sharpening workshop in the city you need. Tools can even be sent to some workshops by mail, after which they will be processed and sent back. The cost of such a service ranges from 50 to 150 UAH per instrument.
Photo: @willowacademy_lj
How to sharpen nail scissors at home
To sharpen scissors, wire cutters and pushers at home, you will need a whetstone (or rasp) and sandpaper.
First, larger sections of the blades are processed with a sharpening stone or rasp, maintaining the factory sharpening angles. After this, the blades are sharpened using sandpaper. It is convenient to attach it to some object to make movements easier. This could be the handle of a spoon or fork, for example.
Please note that home sharpening gives only short-term results. Moreover, if you use expensive professional tools, it is better not to risk damaging them and immediately seek help from professionals.