How to do a manicure yourself: step-by-step photo instructions
Taking care of your clients

During the quarantine period, when manicurists are left without work, clients suffer no less. While a high-quality professional manicure remains just a dream, tell them how to take care of their nails at home.
It has been almost a month since strict quarantine has been introduced throughout Ukraine. Beauty salons temporarily closed their doors, and clients were left without quality professional care. We decided to help them by preparing detailed instructions on how to do a manicure yourself.
How to perform a manicure at home efficiently and in such a way as not to cause harm, says expert Svetlana Zhitnik and shows. Be sure to share this material with your favorite clients!
Svetlana Zhitnik , founder of SVS Art School & SV Art Studio , developer of original programs and innovative techniques for manicure, modeling and nail design, multiple champion of Ukrainian and international championships, gold medalist of the Ukrainian Championship (2015), judge of ABC championships
Today everyone is, to some extent, hostage to quarantine. Who would have thought that the time would come when we would not do what we are used to, we would not be able to visit our favorite master at any convenient time, enjoy communication and become the owner of a chic manicure.
We are sure that this will not always be the case. In the meantime, while you are at home and don’t know what to do with a manicure that requires correction, I will share with you detailed instructions on how to get your hands in order at home and enjoy a beautiful manicure.
How to remove gel polish at home
If there is gel polish left on your nails, do not rush to file it off or rip it off. Follow the correct sequence of actions to remove it without injuring the nail plate.
So, to remove gel polish you will need:
- nail file 180/240 grit;
- cotton pads;
- foil (food grade is also suitable);
- nail polish remover with acetone, since only acetone can dissolve the polymer;
- orange stick or pusher.
To begin, take a 180/240 grit file and carefully file the topcoat down to color.
Then cut the cotton pads into pieces the size of a natural nail, and the foil into small plates so that you can wrap your finger in them.
Moisten pieces of cotton pad with acetone, apply to the nail and wrap your finger in foil (matte side of the foil inward).
Wait 7-10 minutes and start removing the foil. Carefully and without pressing, remove the coating with an orange stick or pusher. And so on, all 10 fingers in turn.
If you fail to remove the coating the first time, there is no need to try to rip it off. Just repeat the manipulation with the foil again.
How to do a manicure at home: remove cuticles and correct the shape of your nails
For manicure you will need:
- file for natural nails;
- polisher;
- pusher or orange stick;
- scissors with a thin blade for manicure;
- wire cutters;
- cuticle remover;
- scrub for removing cuticles;
- oil to moisturize the cuticle.
First, use a nail file to shape the free edge of your nails based on their natural length and shape. Then sand and polish the surface of the nail - this will make the varnish easy to apply and will extend its life.
Using a pusher or an orange stick, carefully push back the cuticle, apply cuticle remover and distribute it evenly over the rollers surrounding the nail plate. Follow the time specified in the instructions for use.
Using an orange stick or pusher, carefully remove the dissolved cuticle, and remove the remaining remover with a napkin. If necessary, cut off the eponychium with scissors (the eponychium is the same skin that is mistaken for cuticle by non-professionals).
Use wire cutters to work inside the side rollers. And treat the side roller itself with a nail file, working on the skin that has been previously moistened with a napkin. This will keep your side rolls soft and smooth.
Then apply cuticle scrub and massage the skin around the nail. This will remove all dead skin particles and improve blood circulation.
Apply cuticle oil to keep your skin hydrated and supple.
Voila! Your manicure is ready.
Now you can safely apply the varnish coating! But before applying color, be sure to use a clear base or medicated base so that the polish does not stain the nail plate and the coating itself wears better. And, of course, at the end, apply a step of sealer, which will make your manicure more durable.
Life hack: to ensure that the polish dries well and quickly, apply a drop of cuticle oil to the surface of the polish.
To diversify your home manicure and try an unusual design, I recommend using thermal films. They look very stylish and protect the natural nail well.
You can also use stamping to diversify a plain coating.
How to make your home manicure last longer
To ensure that your manicure remains well-groomed for a long time, do not forget to apply oil to moisturize the cuticle every morning and evening, and scrub twice a week. Once every 7-10 days, use a cuticle remover and clean off dead cells with an orange stick.
To care for your hand skin, use an SOS product, which is especially important due to frequent hand washing and the use of antiseptics - moisturizing gel SPA gloves. These can be found in the Eva, Watsons stores or ordered online.
Enjoy your beautiful and well-groomed hands. And be healthy!
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