Wedding hairstyle trends in 2020
Top expert answers

The wedding season, despite the situation in the world, continues, which means that wedding hair stylists need to be fully armed with ideas and skills.
This time can be spent usefully and learning. So why don’t masters learn/practice how to create trendy wedding hairstyles? We talked about this with Gulnara Chekoeva , an international class master.
Gulnara Chekoeva , international class master, hairstyle artist, winner of the “Golden Diploma” project from Georgy Kot, judge and coach of the International Festival and G.Kot Championship, owner of a chain of beauty salons, the Beauty Academy in Vladikavkaz and the “Online Academy” Gulnara Chekoeva"
Let's start with the most important thing - the topic of the material. Tell us about the 2020 wedding hairstyle trends.
The 2020 trends were, of course, expected. But it is unknown how everything will turn out when the quarantine ends. The main trends are lightness, romance and naturalness of hairstyles. This is the purity of the image, the absence of pomp. Only conciseness and purity of the lines of each hairstyle - that’s all. The same goes for accessories - they are delicate, clean, and in no way pompous.
Are there hairstyles that are no longer relevant at all and it is better not to offer them to your clients?
Fortunately, such hairstyles do not exist. Because clients are different, as are their needs. It all depends on the client's ethnicity. If this is, for example, an oriental person, he will always ask for something pompous, big, with crowns or stones and fluffy dresses. And it would be nice for a master to master different hairstyles. But if we sum it up now, then hairstyles that look plastic, in which there is no lightness and where there are many complex elements, have faded into the background.
How to choose a wedding hairstyle for a client? What should you start from?
In fact, you could give a whole lifelong lecture on this topic, because there are so many such factors.
A wedding hairstyle is always chosen to match the overall look. The client most often comes to the hairdresser with the chosen dress, sometimes even with jewelry. Understand one thing: if the image has already been chosen, then the hairstyle should adapt to the accessories, and not vice versa.
Height, weight, face and head shape, hair structure, naturally, dress style are always taken into account - this is extremely important. And even the size of the heel, if the shoes are visible. All this plays a huge role in choosing a hairstyle. In the foreground you need to put the shape and features of the face, the shape of the head and the style of the dress - these are the most important points.
What mistakes do hairdressers most often make when doing wedding hairstyles?
The biggest mistake is NOT to diagnose hair: length, structure, quality. It is clear that at the time of doing the hairstyle there is already a goal, either the client showed a picture, or you offered him some kind of shape. But if the hairdresser does not have an algorithm for performing a given hairstyle, taking into account the client’s natural characteristics, and he has already started doing the hairstyle without a diagram, this is the biggest mistake. An algorithm with preliminary hair diagnosis must be followed.
Which wedding hairstyle do you like best?
This question is the most difficult for me. I absolutely love all hairstyles, and even more I adore hairstyles that are chosen correctly for a particular client. Because everyone has one that suits them best. For me, the ideal hairstyle is when I looked at the bride and realized that this was exactly her look.
Which of your video lessons could you recommend for masters to practice?
I wouldn’t recommend a single video tutorial separately, because everywhere you need a chain of knowledge. You can't give a 5-year-old a seventh grade biology topic and have him read and understand it. This is impossible.
Therefore, in such matters, I recommend taking my fundamental online course, where I talk about everything: about trends, how to choose an image, I give a large theoretical part, and hairstyles are revealed to my students exactly in the sequence in which they are correctly deposited on the subcortex .
You can find out details about the course here:
Gulnara, tell me, who can I practice hairstyles on at home? Is it very difficult to find a model during quarantine?
If you have a blank, then it is now your best friend. You should never neglect it. It is needed in order to practice the technique, and then it will be much easier in public. I'm very glad if you have it.
If it’s not there, then I still wouldn’t recommend practicing hairstyles on children’s hair. You probably won’t have the effect you expect, you will become upset, and in general I don’t recommend trying out many hairstyles on one person/model.
Even in my master classes, where there are live models, I do not allow hairstyles to be done on the same person. But a blank is really needed to practice techniques and elements so that you are fully prepared after quarantine.
And finally: what would you wish/advise to your colleagues during this difficult period?
I love my colleagues very much and understand them well. We all found ourselves in almost the same conditions due to quarantine. Firstly, I want to please you: our profession is one of the oldest, we have survived at all times, we have always been needed, and nothing will change.
Guys, don’t lose heart and stick together, because only when we are united are we invincible. And, of course, this period is the best time for spiritual development. This comes first. Secondly, don’t watch the news or TV, but educate yourself, study, because when we come out of this quarantine, we will find ourselves in a period of crisis, where the strongest and most educated people will survive.
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