This is what the Renaissance looks like in the Antonio Calvo collection
Forever da Vinci

When we first saw images of the Forever da Vinci collection, we did not immediately believe that these were not Renaissance paintings at all. These are the looks created by hairdresser Antonio Calvo.
But the most interesting thing in all this is the history of the creation of the collection. The first reason and inspiration was, of course, the works of Leonardo da Vinci, who spent a long time studying the images of Leda and the swan. Antonio Calvo dedicated his collection to the 500th anniversary of da Vinci’s death, and also in honor of an article published in a prestigious magazine in 2013, in which the master was called “the Leonardo da Vinci of hairdressing.”
And now let’s take a closer look at the elements of the images. Copper shades are typical of the Renaissance; this trend was set by the Queen of England, Elizabeth I. It was at that time that she dyed her hair with a mixture of black sulfide, henna, honey and aluminum alum. The inspiration for the clothing comes from the nightgowns that were worn under clothing in those days.
During the Renaissance, hairstyles were decorated with precious stones. Here, in honor of the works of Leonardo, all the hair decorations seem to create real works of art of the Renaissance. But unlike paintings, which stand the test of time, hairstyles are short-lived canvases - until they are unraveled and the decorations are removed. (c) Antonio Calvo
Hairstyles: Antonio Calvo
Photo: Danny Goiry
Retouching: Javier Villalabeitia
Makeup: Maria Freire
Style: ConchiSilvent
Video: EdiVieito