Tape hair extensions: all about technique
How can it be useful to the master?

With this material we begin a series of articles about hair extension techniques. This time we are looking at tape hair extensions, its advantages, and how it can be useful to a hairstylist in his work.
Liliya Mamutova , Grand Master PRO Beauty Battle Hair, European champion in hairdressing in the “Hair Extensions”, “Fashionable Image” nominations, creator of innovative biotechnologies for hair extensions, founder of the Academy of Hair Extensions and Modeling
In the direction of hair extensions, there are three basic techniques from which all others come: namely capsule, Hollywood/tress and tape. In this material we will analyze tape technology .
Compared to other European countries, tape extensions are not so popular in Ukraine. Our specialists mainly use capsule extension techniques.
For classic tape extensions, tapes measuring 4 cm are used, according to new technologies - 3 cm, and in mini-tapes the width of the tape is only 2 cm. That is, according to different technologies, the size of the tape varies, but the classic is exactly 4 cm.
Double tapes are attached to each other, and the client’s hair is fixed between them; moreover, this is a cold technology. Very often clients refuse capsule extensions. This mainly happens to those who tried capsule extensions from non-professionals who used old technologies and suffered from this procedure.
Therefore, after abandoning capsule extensions, clients are increasingly choosing tape extensions. It is very convenient and popular among businesswomen, because the extension procedure takes from half an hour to an hour. During this time, you can do a full extension.
Another visible advantage of tape extensions: hair that the client bought once can be extended many times. If with capsule extensions you need to cut off the capsule during removal and the hair keeps getting shorter and shorter, then with tape extensions this is not required, the hair is not cut off.
Tape extensions have many advantages : fast, cold, hair can be worn for a long time, it does not shorten, and the materials do not cause allergies or irritation (which often happens with capsule extensions). The tapes are flat, and compared to even the smallest round capsules, they are almost imperceptible.
Therefore, if a client comes and says that he does not want capsules, then tape extensions can be offered as an alternative. Today, there is even a new generation of tape extensions: nanoextensions and microextensions, which are selected individually for the client. In Europe, this type of extension is very popular, because it is considered very safe. There is no hot soldering of capsules, we do not disrupt hair growth, but only attach tapes to both sides of the strand.
Correction with tape extensions is done once every three to five weeks quite quickly, an hour to an hour and a half.
How can this type of extension be useful to a master? I would recommend that hairdressers who work with haircuts, coloring or hairstyles learn this technique. If they don't want to go through the complicated process of hair extensions that take a lot of time, then this look can be versatile and complementary.
Tape extensions are quicker to learn, easy to do, and with the help of this technique a hairdresser can significantly increase their income. More people will come to such a master, because he will be able to do even more complex work: thicken hair after cutting or dyeing, add additional shades, especially on dark hair - add light or bright strands. With the help of extensions, a master can realize any ideas. Also prepare the client for the event - for example, lengthen or thicken the hair mass for a hairstyle. The master will become the top, will be able to stand out and distinguish himself by his ability to complete all the client’s wishes and do an excellent job.
Previously, tape extension training was standardized, providing for one attachment technology and a standard distribution of hair extensions. We teach tape extensions in a different way: at different lengths, for different cases of clients, haircuts, for correcting work after unsuccessful extensions or haircuts. We teach you to always finish the job, complete everything with a haircut and styling.