Mullet haircut: from origins to modern times

What do you think of this haircut?


The mullet haircut, which is translated from English the mullet as “mullet,” has been called differently: the ugliest, the strangest, and even idiotic.

Whatever one may say, such an interesting haircut as the mullet has a long history, starting with American fishermen, who in the 19th century specially cut their hair in such a way that in the cold, while working in the sea or river, long hair on the back of the head would protect the neck from colds.

The 20th century, or more precisely, its 70s, accepted the mullet into its rocker ranks - many musicians began to cut their hair this way. Either the popularity among celebrities played a role, or the extravagance and unusualness that the youth of that time strove for, but the mullet was remembered by everyone. A big role in popularizing this hairstyle belongs to David Bowie - his lush red hair is a prime example of a mullet. "Mulletheads" were also referred to in the film Cool Hand Luke (1967) as "men with long hair."

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In Canada and the Scandinavian countries there were mullet-headed hockey players. If we draw a conditional parallel with fishermen, then perhaps this choice of haircut was determined by work issues and the need to stay on the ice? Nobody knows, because the fashion for this or that hairstyle either goes away or comes back.

Why did the haircut become so popular?

If this happened now, such a news feed would be called black PR. We're talking about the infamous 1995 article by Mike D of the Beastie Boys that earned the mullet its title of "the worst example of bad hairstyle." Who knows, perhaps because of this, in fact, to this day they do not take haircuts so seriously and use it mainly to create interesting and unusual collections?

Facts about the name of the haircut

Based on the meaning put in by those who invented it, Americans characterize the mullet as “business in the front and party in the back.”

If we refer to the translation of the word the mullet, which means “mullet,” and to the Beastie Boys song called Mullet Head, then this is “a fish without a neck.” With this haircut, the back of the neck is not visible.

The mullet haircut is associated with 19th century villagers who worked in the fields. From about then on, haircuts were associated with narrow-minded ordinary people.

Whatever the history of the haircut and no matter how it was treated at different times, the choice remains with everyone. And in the hands of talented hairdressers, even the most unusual and unpopular haircut takes on such a look that everyone you know can follow the example of its owner.

What options for this haircut exist?

Basically, mullets are performed on different lengths of hair in the front and back. The classic hair length for this haircut ranges from 7 to 10 cm. The main type of mullet is the scallet - it is logical that the names are quite similar. In fact, this is a close-cropped head, except for the occipital area, where the hair remains long.

The mullet cut is the same for both women and men. The difference may be in the length of the hair on the back of the head or the color of the dye.

How popular is it now?

As can be seen from the photos on social networks, this is now a popular haircut, especially among fashionistas in England and America. Mullets with bright colors regularly appear on the personal pages of hairdressers on Instagram.

And even world-famous hairdressers often include a mullet haircut in their collection checklist. For example, the collection of Spanish hairdresser Ivan Rodriguez called Rebel consists entirely of variations of the mullet.

Perhaps the most famous celebrity example of the owner of a blonde mullet is the lead singer of the South African group Die Antwoord, Yolandi Visser.

An interesting example of such a haircut can be seen on the Cait Marks channel:

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