Let's do it: how can a makeup artist record a makeup master class?

Expert advice


How a make-up artist can record a master class on his own – we’ll tell you in the material!

How to prepare for filming a master class, what equipment you will need, how to choose the ideal place for recording and organize the filming process so that the result pleases not only you, but also your subscribers - says our regular expert Alexander Kodak .

Alexander Kodak , star Makeup Artist and official makeup artist of the Avon brand in Ukraine

Previously, I always put off the question of filming my own master classes: I was afraid that it wouldn’t work and that the audience wouldn’t like it. Then he decided to start his own YouTube channel and began to figure out what was needed in order to record a high-quality makeup tutorial. By the way, the first five videos were never aired.

At the request of the editors, I am sharing my tips for recording a master class.


  • Think over the topic of the master class, create a moodboard for yourself.
  • Write down the script, theses and key phrases.
  • Agree with the model in advance and discuss clothes, accessories, hairstyle. If you are just taking your first steps in recording a video, invite the model with whom you feel comfortable communicating.
  • Think over your image.


Camera: I use my phone camera for a wide shot and a professional camera for a close-up shot of the face to show off the details. When recording from two sources, you get the opportunity to choose the best angle.

Sound: clear sound will only be available when recording on a lapel or a special audio recorder. I do not recommend recording sound on a camera or phone, as if the sound quality is low, your entire video will lose quality.

Background: use a stretch background or decorate a place in your apartment/office for shooting, beautifully arrange cosmetics, accessories and everything that will create the right atmosphere in the frame.

Light: it determines how attractive the picture will be. Perfect solution
– shoot near a window with diffused daylight, but this is not always possible. Use additional sources: ring light and softboxes, which you will
highlight the background to avoid harsh shadows.

Important! Thoroughly study the settings of your camera and sound equipment. The day before filming, charge all equipment, check memory cards and test.

My equipment: iPhone 7 Plus, Canon EOS 600D camera, Zoom H1n audio recorder, Boya lavalier, ring light, softboxes.

The process of filming a master class

  • While filming, forget that you are filming a video. Communicate with the camera as if it were your student and you want to convey information to him in as much detail as possible.
  • Have your model look directly at the camera while recording the video.
  • Don't block the model in the frame.
  • Put your phone in airplane mode so that no one disturbs you or disrupts the video recording process.
  • When the makeup is ready, ask the model to pose in the frame and take a photo of your work!

I wish you good luck in recording cool, inspiring master classes and look forward to your feedback on my channel !

Photo: Artem Oleynik

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