How to add volume to thin hair: proper care, styling and haircuts

Stylist explains


How to add volume to thin hair is of interest to many hairdressers, because every client should leave the hairdresser in all its glory. Together with stylist Marine Muradyan, we figure out how to choose the right care, styling and haircut for girls with thin hair.

Marine Muradyan

Marine Muradyan , stylist, hairdresser with more than 14 years of experience, art director at Avalon Salon

Why does hair become thin and lose volume? Quite often, clients come to the hairdresser and complain that they have very thin, weakened hair. Girls do not understand what is the cause of this problem and how to add volume to thin hair. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the genetic factor. If the client has never had long and dense hair, it is most likely due to genetics. As a rule, such hair has a very thin core - this does not allow it to grow, so the length always remains at the same level. But most often, factors such as improper care, poor-quality coloring, or regular styling using high temperatures make hair thin. All this affects the quality of the hair: over time, it becomes dry and damaged. I would like to focus on cases where clients dye their hair at home, let alone lighten it and try to replicate modern dyeing techniques. As a rule, women choose the wrong products and spoil their hair - it becomes thin and brittle. Another procedure that is very damaging to hair is styling with irons and curling irons. Clients often forget to pre-apply products that protect their hair during the straightening or curling process. Regular use of styling gadgets leads to dry and brittle hair. Hair quality is also affected by air, water and climate. This is especially true when a person often changes city or country of residence. How to add volume to your hair using care products? The first thing that is recommended to clients is the use of hair cleansers: shampoo, scrub and serums for the scalp and along the length of the hair. If they are used comprehensively, this leads to remarkable results. Also, girls with thin hair should pay attention to restorative procedures that are carried out in salons. Depending on the problem, specialists will select the appropriate treatment and help restore beauty to your hair. For some, one session a month will be enough, for others – once a week, and for others, it will be necessary to come for treatments more often – it all depends on the condition of the client’s hair. Be careful when performing treatment procedures - they can weigh down your hair and lead to loss of volume. To avoid this, I advise you to give preference to natural products, for example, natural keratin, because our hair consists of 70% of it. There is a procedure that will help fill your hair with this useful component by 60% and restore its density, elasticity and shine. haircut for thin hair What styling beauty products should professionals pay attention to? The choice of styling also plays a big role. It is important to take into account all the individual hair characteristics of each individual client. Don't forget about the amount of styling products - if you overdo it, the styling will look ugly, and the hair will be weighed down and dull. To add volume to your hair, you can use gels, mousses, powders, and hairspray. It is not recommended to use several styling products at once, because instead of the desired effect, there is a risk of getting weighted matte strands. I really like how salt spray works to add volume; it can be used on both short and long hair. With its help, you can create volume at the roots and along the entire length, and as a result, the styling lasts for a very long time. Salt spray will also answer the question “how to add volume to hair at home?” How to add volume to hair at the roots using styling? Most likely, many craftsmen are already familiar with heat-setting corrugated materials. I do not recommend using thermal devices often to add volume, because exposure to high temperatures leads to brittle and dry hair. Don’t forget to use thermal protection and only then do the corrugation. Also, to add volume to thin hair, you can perform root backcombing or blunting. If we talk about salon procedures, clients can create volume using a root perm or a buffant procedure to create root volume. They provide results for a long time, which clients especially like. What haircuts will help add volume to thin hair? I recommend short or medium length haircuts. It is worth paying attention to the cascade or Italian haircut - the top of the head should be made shorter and given volume along the length. With thinning, hairdressers need to be especially careful, since due to the wrong procedure, the entire haircut can be ruined, and the hair can stop growing and begin to break. I advise you to create haircuts that are practical and comfortable for clients, since everyone is running out of time now. Clients often focus on the fact that the new haircut is not only beautiful, but also does not require styling. Naturally, you need to offer the girl the right care and styling - this is a guarantee that the client will be satisfied and will respond only to the best about your work!