Fashionable eye makeup: top 7 trends for summer 2019

Color, graphics and experiments


Eye makeup in the summer of 2019 is one of the main accents that should be given special attention. We have collected in our material the main trends that will rule the roost in eye makeup throughout the next season - no makeup artist should miss them!

Neon shades

Bright orange, lemon, turquoise, deep pink and coral tones smoothly transition from spring to summer, helping to create incredibly fresh and colorful looks. A graphic arrow, shaded shadows, colored eyelashes or a mucous membrane outline - you can make your makeup look spectacular using completely different elements. Opt for dense decorative products: wax pencils, eyeliners, cream shadows and pigments to keep the color rich and bold.
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Graphic arts

Fashionable eye makeup for spring-summer 2019 is difficult to imagine without the graphics and clarity of lines so beloved by makeup artists. The outlined upper eyelid, arrow-corners, sweeping lines along the crease of the upper eyelid and thousands of other variations that encourage further experiments.Graphic eye makeup is ideal for shooting a creative image, a show or a music festival. We draw inspiration from Fashion Weeks and beauty collections of famous brands.
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Natural makeup

The most natural makeup does not lose its charm, and girls all over the planet still adore it. It only emphasizes the advantages of appearance, but does not “reshape” it: it helps to make the eyes more expressive, bright and wide-open, without radically changing their shape. To create natural eye makeup in the summer of 2019, use light shades of eye shadow, pencils and eyeliners in dark gray or brown, and mascara with the effect of lengthening and separating eyelashes.
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Spider Lashes

It doesn’t matter if you need to create makeup for summer 2019 for brown, blue or green eyes - this trend will be relevant in any case! The effect of spider legs on eyelashes is a long-awaited trend that makeup artists love, because they are not always able to experiment with eyelashes. Alexander Kodak advises: “To achieve this result, take the most voluminous mascara and paint over your eyelashes with vertical movements, turning the brush in a spiral.”
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Metallic shine does not lose its position and continues to be among the main trends. Foil elements, glitter, gold leaf and other metal textures will help bring to life even the most unconventional, original and crazy look! This summer metallic remains on the lips, eyes and all over the face, so don’t miss the moment to at least make friends with it if you haven’t fallen in love with it yet.
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Green shadows

We know exactly which summer 2019 makeup for green eyes will cause a sensation! Using rich green eyeshadow, of course! Firstly, they are ideal for the ever-blooming summer season, and secondly, they help create a fresh, light and airy makeup with expressive eyes. Green shadows are especially suitable for brunettes. By the way, do not limit yourself when choosing cosmetics: pigments, pencils, liners, eyeliners and mascaras are no worse suited for this purpose than classic shadows.
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No mascara

Another eye makeup trend for summer 2019 is the complete absence of mascara. Why not? Makeup artists at fashion shows “forget” to apply eyelashes to their models: we remember the shows of Emporio Armani and Marc Jacobs. So why don't we try it too? “Naked” eyelashes in this case are best combined with mono-shadows in bright shades or light mucous eyeliner - they look truly summer-like: carefree, simple and unpretentious. Let's try!
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