Correcting the shape of the nose with makeup: all the rules and nuances
On a note

Quite often, clients complain about their nose shape, but it can be corrected with just a few makeup techniques. Which ones? We talk about it in the material.
Too big, long, wide, crooked, with a hump, snub nose - not every girl likes her nose shape, so makeup artists have to adapt and make slight adjustments so that as a result the client is satisfied and leaves you happy.
Classic nose correction consists of lightening the front surface of its back, as well as darkening the side surfaces and wings. Start your makeup with highlighting, only then, if necessary, begin the darkening process.
Darken the side surfaces with even parallel lines. Their width should be approximately the same as the width of the highlight line. Move the brush from the eyebrows to the very tip of the nose so that the lines are uniform, without gaps. Then darken the bottom of the nose to define its lower border.
The next step is shading. Use a fluffy powder brush to thoroughly blur the lines between the light and dark stripes. To get the most natural result, use mineral powder to soften the edges.
A long nose
It is very easy to reduce a long nose using makeup. To begin, highlight the front surface of the bridge of the nose, but do not bring the brush to the tip. Then darken the sides of the nose from the crease of the upper eyelid, not from the beginning of the eyebrows. Darken the tip of the nose just above the highest point of the nostrils. Finally, darken the wings of the nose and soften the correction using a volume brush and mineral powder.
Wide nose
How to do makeup to make your nose smaller? To begin, use a thin line to highlight the front surface of the bridge of the nose. Darken the side surfaces a little closer to the highlight line than usual. Then completely darken the wings of the nose, connecting them with the darkening lines of the side surfaces. Blend the stripes until you get a homogeneous result.
Small nose
Clients complain about a small nose much less often, but it is also important to be able to correctly correct this shape. Highlight the front surface of the bridge of the nose, while blending the line up to the base of the eyebrows, as well as the bridge between the nostrils. Darken the sides of the bridge of the nose from the very eyebrows to the end of the bridge of the nose. Darken the wings well and blend the products.
Snub nose
To correct a snub nose with makeup, you need to slightly lower its tip. To do this, darken the bridge between the nostrils and lighten the front surface of the bridge of the nose. Create a highlight just below the tip - this will make the nose appear longer. Darken the sides of the bridge of the nose and blend the correction with a brush with powder.
Aquiline nose
If your goal is to correct a hump nose using makeup, apply mattifying powder to the most protruding part. The matte finish will slightly hide the volume, but in profile the hump will still be visible. In no case should you darken the problem area - this way you risk getting the effect of a broken nose.
Nose with a voluminous tip
If your client has a nose that is narrow at the base and wide at the tip, begin the correction by darkening the sides of the bridge of the nose to the very tip. In the most voluminous part, darken the wings of the nose. Also darken the wide tip – up to the upper border of the nostrils. Lighten the front surface of the back of the nose, but without affecting the voluminous tip. Blend your beauty products well.