Online conference "Functional cosmetology: successful cases of aesthetic correction"

In support of the May Aesthetic Meeting offline congress (Kyiv, June 2023)


We are starting a new cycle of online conferences! In focus: dermatological problems, age-related changes, mechanical damage, post-procedural care.

Dear colleagues!

The Estet company and the Internet portal Pro Cosmetology invite you to the online conference "Functional cosmetology: successful cases of aesthetic correction", which will be held on May 24, 2023.

The conference is held in support of МAM-2023.

What will await you?

  • 8+ speakers on the air in 4 hours
  • independent moderation by Estet
  • experience of experts continuing their activities in Ukraine and abroad

In the program:

  • Regenerative procedures and protocols: experience using the latest technologies
  • A comprehensive approach to the correction of involutional skin changes
  • The possibilities of EM in improving the quality of life of patients
  • Aesthetic and functional cosmetology procedures in modern conditions
  • The most relevant summer protocols: what, when, with what
  • Professional care with SPF, novelties of cosmeceuticals: creams, serums and fluids

Participation in the online conference "Functional cosmetology: successful cases of aesthetic correction" is FREE, subject to prior registration.

Join us - we have a lot to talk about frankly!

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