MAM-2024: who are the content creators?

Let's get acquainted with the speakers


We have already told you that on June 4-5, 2024, the May Aesthetics Meeting (MAM), well-known to experts in the field of aesthetic medicine, will be held in Kyiv, on the wonderful grounds of the Parkovy Center.

Traditionally, as a scientific leader, the congress of the МAM will be headed by Oleksandr Turkevich. Therefore, the participants of the event will once again have a «male» view of cosmetology, a maximum of specific algorithms and professional life hacks. And who else will present their experience at the discretion of colleagues? Who will share the developments, warn colleagues against possible undesirable consequences of improper use of drugs, introduce new products to the market? Today we begin to introduce the speakers, and we will continue the introduction in the next publication.

You can familiarize yourself with the detailed program and purchase a ticket for MAM-2024 on the congress website by following the link.  

Oleksandr Turkevych, scientific leader, candidate of medical sciences, dermatovenerologist, oncologist, associate professor of the Department of Dermatology, Venereology of the Lviv National Medical University named after D. Halytskyi, professor of dermatovenerology of the University of Rome named after J. Marconi (Ukraine)

Lyudmila Bezpalko, candidate of medical sciences, plastic surgeon, member of UAPRAS (Ukraine)

Oksana Blyshchuk, dermatovenerologist, immunologist, Mediderm Clinic (Ukraine)

Olga Bogomolets, MD, professor of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, dermatovenerologist, scientific consultant of the Academy of Silesia, Dr. Bogomolets Institute of Dermatocosmetology (Ukraine)

Yevgenia Havlovska, surgeon, dermatovenerologist, aesthetic medicine clinic DG Cosmetology (Ukraine)

Oleksandr Holod, candidate of medical sciences, dermatovenerologist, clinic of personalized medicine «EvroDerm» (Ukraine)

Andrii Danishevskyi, doctor-dermatovenerologist of the highest category, member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists, Medical cosmetology by Dr. Danishevsky (Ukraine)

Natalya Dmytrieva, dermatovenerologist (Ukraine)

Olga Yermolovich, dermatovenerologist, Spadental studio clinic (Ukraine)

Natalia Ilchyshena, plastic surgeon (Ukraine)

Maria Kapitanyuk, therapist, head of the methodological department of «DUSO» (Ukraine)

Nataliya Klyagina, dermatovenerologist, assistant of the National Medical Center «Ukrainian Training Center of Family Medicine» of the National Medical University by O. O. Bogomolets, Clinic dr. N.Kliahina (Ukraine)

Yaroslav Lata, dermatovenerologist, Oberig clinic, member of UADV, EADV (Ukraine)

Denys Malevich, maxillofacial surgeon (Ukraine)

Ilona Potapchuk, dentist, Ilona Potapchuk cosmetology center (Ukraine)

Maryna Storozhuk, candidate of medical sciences, dermatovenerologist, assistant of the department of dermatovenerology of BSMU, Mclinic clinic (Ukraine)

Yaryna Turkevych, dermatovenerologist, dermatovenerologist, pediatric dermatologist, member of the World Academy of Dermatology, Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists (Ukraine)

Olga Fedorova, dermatovenerologist, ophthalmologist, The Face clinic (Ukraine)

Oleksandra Khomenko, dermatovenerologist (Ukraine)

Roman Shkolny, dermatovenerologist, MC MultiMed (Ukraine)

Continued in the next publication

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