Innovative technologies for health and beauty: high-frequency pulsed vacuum therapy

A set of cosmetological and physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at eliminating aesthetic defects, rejuvenation, healing, skin restoration and figure correction. Let's look at the features of the vacuum thermal massage procedure.
The effectiveness of pulsed vacuum thermal massage procedures
The high efficiency of the equipment and the procedures performed on it is based on the natural properties of three types of energy - vacuum, pulse contraction and infrared radiation. Their simultaneous use makes it possible to obtain a biological response already during the first procedure and achieve a wide range of positive effects.
- Acceleration of metabolic and lipolysis processes.
- Activation of fibroblasts for the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and neocollagenesis.
- Improving blood supply, nutrition and oxygenation of tissues.
- Elimination of edema and congestion.
- Accelerating the processes of natural regeneration and renewal of the skin.
- Increased ATP production (locally).
- Improved neuroregulation.
- Elimination of muscle tension and vascular spasm.
- Acceleration of transdermal elimination of toxins and metabolites.
- Activation of T-lymphocyte synthesis and increase of local skin immunity.
High-intensity vacuum thermal massage gives a positive result with a prolonged effect - over time, positive processes increase, which leads to natural healing of tissues and improvement of their general condition. With the help of a course of procedures, you can shape the desired shape of your figure, rejuvenate your skin and eliminate a wide range of aesthetic problems.
Advantages of the Drumroll device in a cosmetologist's office
- The unique Vacuum Pro vacuum system allows you to change the vacuum strength from 1-72 Hg. Art., as well as the temperature of infrared heating of tissues.
- Intelligent control system.
- Three proprietary Drum Nozzle attachments allow you to treat absolutely all areas of the patient’s body and face.
- The procedures do not require gels, oils, or creams, since the attachments use innovative material, which ensures perfect glide over the body, and the couch, patient and operator do not get dirty with lubricants.
- The procedure is absolutely painless and is suitable for almost all clients.
- Thoughtful, modern design that will fit into any beauty salon.
Three Drumroll techniques
The Drumroll pulsed vacuum thermal massage device from Alvi Prague combines three techniques:
- Intense vacuum massage using the Drumroll device – deep treatment of the soft tissues of the body and their structures at the cellular level. To achieve a positive effect, cosmetology equipment creates a vacuum with values of 0.6-0.7 bar, which are recognized as the “gold standard” of barotherapy and provide visible results after one or two procedures.
- High-frequency pulse effects on the Drumroll device - pulsating massage to stimulate blood supply to tissues, lymph flow, nutrition, oxygenation and destruction of fat cells. To achieve this goal, cosmetology equipment provides intense pulsation with alternating peaks of relaxation and pressure, the impact of which is adequate to natural cellular activity.
- Infrared heating of tissues using the Drumroll device is a painless thermal massage to stimulate interstitial processes and physical and chemical reactions. To achieve this, cosmetology equipment creates radiant energy that irritates skin receptors, eliminates muscle tension, improves blood circulation, and activates metabolic and neuroregulation processes.
For convenient and comfortable treatment of different parts of the body, there are three handpieces of small, medium and large diameter. Along the circumference of each of the three nozzles that carry out vacuum action, there is an infrared heating element that provides safe and deep thermal stimulation of tissues. The heating temperature is regulated in the range of 33-50 ºС, and the vacuum power is in the range of 1-72 cm Hg. Art.
The device's handpiece forms a skin fold and, acting mechanically, destructures the fatty component of the dermis. Vacuum attachments allow you to lift a layer of skin above the muscles and force the fat cell to shrink and unclench even more intensely, as if squeezing toxins, products of cellular metabolism and decay from the cell.
Simultaneously with the mechanical treatment with vacuum, deep heating of the tissues occurs with thermal massage. Pulsed vacuum and thermal effects enhance each other’s effectiveness and allow you to achieve pronounced results: significant weight loss, figure correction, elimination of cellulite, etc.
The result that your clients will see after the first session:
- Reducing the volume of adipose tissue and problem areas.
- Smoothing the appearance of cellulite.
- Smoothing the skin texture.
- Elimination of edema.
- Relief of pain and spasms.
- Increased skin and muscle tone.
- Partial smoothing of scars and stretch marks.
- Disappearance of skin folds.
- Improving the tone of veins and small vessels.
- Neutralization of the consequences of injuries, lesions, diseases of soft tissues and muscles.
Photos before and after a course of procedures using the Drumroll device
What problems does vacuum therapy solve?
Vacuum therapy has a variety of physiological effects on the skin:
- the skin is cleansed of the detached horny scales of the epidermis, and with them of foreign particles (dust, dirt, etc.) that have entered the pores and microbes usually found on the surface of the skin;
- the secretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands improves and their outlets are cleared of secretions;
- the lymph and blood circulation of the skin is activated, the influence of venous stagnation is eliminated, the blood supply to the skin and, consequently, its nutrition are increased, as a result of which pale, flabby, dry skin becomes pink, elastic, velvety, its resistance to mechanical and temperature influences significantly increases;
- skin and muscle tone increases, which makes the skin smooth, dense and elastic;
- local and general metabolism improves.
Drumroll is an intelligent high-tech platform
A powerful compressor and a special, specially designed solenoid valve, which can create up to 15 vacuum puffs per second on the Drumroll, have a comprehensive effect on solving the problem. The pulse vacuum massage device is a platform unique in its technical characteristics and capabilities. The procedures performed on it do not require the use of gels, oils and other massage products. Ideal glide over the client's skin is ensured by the innovative material of the nozzle with current operating and tactile characteristics. No need to purchase cosmetics for massage significantly reduces the cost of each procedure and reduces the time it takes.
The payback period for this device is no more than three months, since your clients will be delighted with the results achieved and will definitely recommend you to their friends and acquaintances.