Facelift — face and neck sculpting massage

Non-surgical face and neck skin tightening


To paraphrase the wise Coco Chanel, we can say that the face we have in our 20s is given to us by nature, and what it will be like in 40 and even more so in 50 depends only on us. How one takes care of one's skin, how one looks after oneself and what anti-ageing techniques one adopts — all this matters.

Tatiana Brailo, cosmetologist, masseur of the 1st category, author of the method of natural rejuvenation SCULPTOR LIFTING MASSAGE

Facelift technique is a non-surgical skin tightening of the face and neck, an alternative to invasive techniques. There are many variants of facelift. I want to present my own, the author's method, which in practice has demonstrated decent results. It allows you to affect the soft tissues of the face and neck successfully, without surgery, without causing harm, without requiring rehabilitation, not only eliminating age-related changes, and preventing them.

Unfortunately, age-related changes are caused by a decrease in collagen support structures in the soft tissues, and, as a rule, the result is sagging of soft tissues. Deepening of the suborbital, nasolabial furrows are formed. Age changes also affect the neck area — and not only the face, but also the neck gives out the age of a woman. As a result, the skin on the neck becomes flabby, "Venus rings" are formed, the "corner of youth" disappears or becomes less clear.

This Facelift technique is suitable for the age category of women 35+, 45+, 55+ years old. Indications are:

● eyelid ptosis;

● wrinkles of the forehead, interbrow, nasolabial lips;

● wrinkles of the temporal-maxillary region;

● puckers;

● second chin;

● Venus rings.

But there are also contraindications:

● infectious diseases;

● oncological diseases;

● blood clotting disorders;

● serious mental disorders.

This massage can be performed as an express procedure (before an important event, celebration), and a minimum course of 3-5 sessions or a full course of 7-12 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days.

*Full version of the access article in Ukrainian and Russian

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