Exosomes — a new turn of the spiral

A few scientific facts


Today, it seems that this is one of the main topics that are being thought about, about which spears are being broken in the market of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine almost all over the world. And what of all that is said about exosomes, has a scientific basis, and what — a marketing fiction to banal attract attention to their products?

The science of exosomes is advancing at the speed of light. Not only that they cannot and should not be injected, based on the point of view of logic, there is evidence that when injected, they, firstly, accumulate in parenchymatous organs such as lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen. And secondly, when injected in the same injection, they can cause stimulation of cancer cells — and this is clearly linked specifically to injection. Because when topically — it is absolutely safe!

But there are still many questions about how to make exosome therapy even more effective. And the latest scientific data show that, in addition to exosomes of human origin (effective) and plant origin (complete rubbish), there are exosomes of a slightly different origin. Exosomes secreted by Lactobacillus are composed of one or more double lipid layers wrapped in a cell membrane-like structure and play a key role in modulating the immune response because they contain proteins such as FABP6, EPCAM and various polysaccharide molecules.

They have the ability to stimulate dendritic cells, leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, CCL2 and CXCL9.

And these exosomes also have a fantastic compound added to them — nidogenes, which are located in the basal membrane. Two nidogenes have been found in humans: nidogen-1 (NID1) and nidogen-2 (NID2). During embryonic development, a foetus lacking nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 usually dies prematurely as a result of heart and lung defects. Nidogen plays a crucial role during organogenesis in late embryonic development, especially in heart and lung development. Because nidogen is essential in basal membrane formation, serving as a linker protein that is required during tissue growth, it is crucial for embryonic development.

And now these compounds have come to light, and a European company approached me about an expert opinion.

I have three pieces of news about this:

1) everything is encapsulated in recommendations for use by the end of September;

2) they are very effective;

3) unfortunately, they will appear in Ukraine not soon.

Here if briefly — about the future of regenerative dermatology.


From the editors. Speakers of the National Platform "Anatomy of Beauty" 2.0 will also talk about exosomes, tickets for which are still available at the link on the event website. 

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