Effective and safe filler: what should be in the arsenal of a cosmetologist

Principles of drug selection


Fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid are used to correct aesthetic defects of the face, in particular, the lack of tissue volume in the chin area. How not to be mistaken in the variety of drugs on the cosmetology market?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance and an important component of the extracellular matrix, where it plays an important role in water homeostasis and wound healing. The hyaluronic acid molecules used in dermal fillers are chemically cross-linked in order to improve the consistency and increase the residence time of the filler in the dermis. The range of hyaluronic acid-based fillers on the market varies in terms of starting material, concentration, method and degree of crosslinking (crosslinking), viscosity and consistency.

In any line of fillers that can be used for the contouring procedure, there are preparations that differ in concentration, elasticity and dynamic viscosity. Based on this, their characteristics in the work are determined. Preparations can be soft, medium and dense. According to the injection zones, the appropriate drug is selected. Soft preparations are often used to correct lips and superficial wrinkles. When correcting deeper wrinkles, filling nasolabial folds and other dermal creases, as well as for lip augmentation, medium-density preparations are used. Dense preparations are suitable for the cheek-zygomatic zone, the formation of cheekbones, chin, nose.

Phillex intradermal implants are transparent, pyrogen-free, sterile, viscoelastic gels based on stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The preparations of this line are suitable for the correction of different areas of the face, depending on the wishes of the patient and indications, which are determined by the doctor after a preliminary consultation.

*Full version of the access article in Ukrainian and Russian


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