Discussion club with Alexander Turkevich 2.0

"(Not) Shagreen skin" 2.0


We invite you to once again take part in the discussion club with Alexander Turkevich in an online format.

Topic: "(Not) Shagreen skin" 2.0

Date: April 13, 2021

Time: 11:00

Moderator: Alexander Turkevich , dermatovenerologist, oncologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of dermatology, venereology, Lviv National Medical University. Danila Galitsky, professor of dermatology, University of Rome. G. Marconi (Ukraine)

Registration link: https://promo.bhub.com.ua/neshagrenevaya-kozha-2

In Focus:

  • Working with leather quality
  • Protocols with proven effectiveness and safety
  • The role of collagen, blood vessels and fatty acids
  • What drugs and procedures are effective?
  • How to effectively resist skin aging?
In a programme:
11:00–11:30 - Alexander Turkevich, Ph.D., dermatovenerologist, oncologist, associate professor of the department of dermatology, venereology, Lviv National Medical University. D. Galitsky, professor of dermatovenerology at the University of Rome. G. Marconi (Ukraine)
11:30–11:55 - Dimitris Sikianakis, doctor of anti-age and aesthetic medicine (Greece)
  • The use of long-acting preparations based on HA to improve the quality of facial skin and especially important areas
11:55–12:00 - Discussion. Answers on questions
12:00–12:25 - Olga Tyagun, dermatologist, cosmetologist, founder and chief physician of the medical cosmetology clinic (Ukraine)
  • #no_filters after acne. Features of working with teenagers and their parents
12:25–12:30 - Discussion. Answers on questions
12:30–12:55 - Roman Shkolny, dermatovenerologist, certified trainer of MedHome companies, head of the MultiMed medical center (Kiev), chief physician, leading specialist in laser and injection technologies in aesthetic medicine, certified international trainer for plasma therapy of the MultiMed company SCHOOL, expert trainer on laser technologies at Asclepion Laser Technologies GmbH (Ukraine)
  • PDRN therapy for aging morphotypes
12:55–13:00 - Discussion. Answers on questions
13:00–13:25 - Tatyana Kiseleva, dermatovenerologist, histologist, aesthetic medicine doctor (Ukraine)
  • Anti-aging vaccine. Results of 10 years of large-scale research
13:25–13:30 - Discussion. Answers on questions
13:30–13:55 - Yaroslav Lata, trainer of MezoClub University, dermatovenerologist, dermatocosmetologist, specialist in minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation and complex anti-age therapy, member of UADV, EADV, leading specialist of the multidisciplinary clinic “OBERIG”, department of plastic surgery and dermatocosmetology (Ukraine)
  • Polylactic acid in the protocol for the correction and prevention of age-related skin changes
13:55–14:00 - Discussion. Answers on questions
14:00–14:25 - Dmitry Garbuzov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatologist of the highest category, cosmetologist, founder and director of the Center for Aesthetic Medicine DECOclinique, leading speaker of the TOTIS company (Ukraine)
  • Combination of Ca hydroxyapatite and PDRN for the correction of structural and morphological involution in areas of facial adhesions
14:25–14:30 - Discussion. Answers on questions
14:30–14:55 - Alina Mantula, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, dermatovenerologist of the highest category, dermatocosmetologist (Ukraine)
  • Inflammaging and sensitive skin syndrome. Tactics of a dermatocosmetologist
14:55–15:00 - Discussion. Answers on questions
15:00–15:25 - Zera Seytablaeva, dermatologist, member of the International Society of Applied Corneotherapy (Ukraine)
  • Corneotherapeutic approach to cosmetology: contribution to skin health and quality
15:25–15:30 - Discussion. Answers on questions
15:30–15:45 - End of the Discussion Club. Discussion. Questions/Answers