*The article was translated into English using automatic translation. The editors are working on its improvement.
Hyperhidrosis (from the Latin “hyper” - “increased” and “hydro” - “water”) is increased sweating. Sweating itself is a physiological process that is necessary to regulate body temperature. Sweat production occurs with the help of a nerve stimulus from the sympathetic nervous system. In some individuals, this system operates at a higher level than necessary to maintain a constant body temperature, accompanied by increased sweating. This condition is hyperhidrosis.
More common is local hyperhidrosis - chronic excessive sweating in certain areas of the body. Approximately 1% of the population is affected by this disease. Patients experience significant inconvenience in the personal and professional sphere. The discomfort is not so much caused by the fact of excessive sweating, but is associated with aesthetic problems. Excessively wet armpits spoil clothes, forcing people to increasingly choose plain clothes, often dark gray or black, to wear. An unpleasant odor that occurs during sweating gives rise to fears and self-doubt, which can become intrusive and leave a serious imprint on a person’s behavior and psyche, leading to failures in his personal life, career, and social adaptation.