
*The article was translated into English using automatic translation. The editors are working on its improvement.

Eczema is a chronic, relapsing disease with acute inflammatory symptoms caused by serous inflammation of the epidermis and dermis.

The term “eczema” began to be used two centuries BC, but to refer to various acutely occurring dermatoses. "Eczema" in Greek means "boil", "flare". This name is due to the fact that the main element of the eczematous reaction is grouped small blisters. Only in the first half of the 19th century Willan (1808) and other scientists identified eczema as a separate nosological form.

In everyday practice, a dermatocosmetologist and aesthetician cosmetologist faces not only aesthetic problems, but also chronic skin diseases that have characteristic manifestations on the face and scalp. One such disease is eczema.