“Ask Yutskovskaya”: eighth live broadcast

The educational beauty project “Ask Yutskovskaya” continues, within the framework of which we deal with exciting issues of cosmetology. The next live broadcast on the topic “Age-related acne in men and women: causes of appearance, professional and home care” will take place on October 30.
As part of the new project of the ESTET company and the editors of Beauty HUB “Ask Yutskovskaya”, seven live broadcasts have already taken place, which allowed our readers and viewers to understand the pressing problems associated with cosmetology - hardware, injection and more. Thanks to our expert - Yana Aleksandrovna Yutskovskaya - many have already found answers to exciting questions regarding photoaging, different skin types, botulinum therapy, care up to 30 years, men's cosmetology, modern body care techniques and facial skin pigmentation in men and women. Recordings of all broadcasts can be viewed on our IGTV .
Next time we will talk about the scourge of modern society - age-related acne. The broadcast on this topic will take place on October 30 at 16:00 on the Beauty HUB page on Instagram .
Participants of the live broadcasts “Ask Yutskovskaya”
Yana Aleksandrovna Yutskovskaya , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, doctor of the highest category; owner of the network of clinics LLC "Professor Yutskovskaya Clinic" (Vladivostok) and LLC "Professor Yutskovskaya Clinic" (Moscow), founder of the "Professor Yutskovskaya School" (Moscow), member of the board of directors of NADC, freelance expert of Roszdravnadzor of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, president of the Association of Gender Medicine Specialists ( Moscow), scientific editor of the magazine “Cosmetics and Medicine” (Russia).
Elizaveta Topukh , editor-in-chief of the online portal about beauty and health Beauty HUB , beauty blogger.
Who will be interested in the broadcast?
- Women and men who care about their appearance, beauty and skin health.
- For everyone who is faced with the problem of age-related acne.
- Anyone who wants to learn more about methods of treating age-related acne using home care and professional cosmetic procedures.
What are we going to talk about
The editor-in-chief of the Internet portal Beauty HUB will prepare for the expert a pool of the most exciting questions about age-related acne in men and women, its causes and treatment methods.
- What are the causes of age-related acne?
- When does age-related acne appear and how does it manifest?
- Where to start treating age-related acne?
- What should be the proper home care for age-related acne?
- What cosmetic methods for treating age-related acne are most effective?
In order not to miss the next broadcast as part of the “Ask Yutskovskaya” project, fill out the registration form below - and we will definitely send you a reminder the day before the broadcast. When registering, you can also ask Yana Yutskovskaya your question on the topic of the broadcast that interests you, and be sure to receive an answer to it on October 30 on the Beauty HUB page on Instagram .
Register for a live broadcast with Yana Aleksandrovna Yutskovskaya
*Date and time of live broadcast are subject to change.
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